Sunday, April 26, 2009


Saturday mau bangun awal-awal
Pegi gotong-royong la
>.< style="color: rgb(255, 102, 102);">take picture of the so-called
"Kerja Amal"

I reached school around 7.45 a.m.
My dar dar said I very late worr
Sorry la

Quite many of them reached already
We sat at gelanggang

8 a.m.
Masuk baris

Pengetua beri ucapan

Puan Wong beri ucapan

Puan Thamarai beri ucapan

All the classes were grouped into 4

Our group in-charge of Dewan Terbuka/Rafflesia (Blok A)

Teachers in-charge of Blok A:
  1. Cik Lim a.k.a. Mother Teressa (Ketua)
  2. Puan Teoh
  3. Encik Chan
  4. Cik Hong
  5. Puan Veronica
  6. Puan Chew
  7. Puan Tai
Some I don't remember
Paiseh la

My class need to pick up all the dried leaves
And cleaned up the longkang
So geli

Sambil clean
Sambil ambik gambar

Somemore so hot!

Don't you feel hot? >.<

Dewan [macam berperang like that =.=]


Hui Yee

The stall selling drinks [i want la...who can belanja me >.<]

Something very funny was
After we finished cleaning the longkang
Rachel and me lepak-ing around
When we passed by our friends who were drinking
We will curi minum a bit
Jahat leh we two

The "hasil" we got!

Before bersurai, must gather back in the hall for attendance
[very jahat wan loh...mark the attendence at the end...cannot ponteng >.<]

After the gotong-royong
We went to Y.Y.L. makan!

Coming up next:







Jia Min!!!
Yo~What's up gal! Peace (^.^)v


Don't *sweat* ahh
I won't help you to wipe wan

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